Sunday, August 30, 2009

First, I would like to thank my daughter Vanessa for encouraging me to blog and for assisting me in navigating this post. We did this all on a break from our first canning adventure: 9 pints of tomatoes done with the hot water bath and 7 quarts of cold packed in pressure cooker.
This was a great experience because we read and reread the canner directions while consulting a library book and completed both batches to the glorious music of click,click,cluck as the canning lids sucked in the dimples with the correct pressure. High fives all around.

Thought I'd make a brief statement concerning the title of this blog................I feel so much of my creative efforts are sandwiched into my daily routine //// since sandwich was already used by blogspot-vanessa suggested a fancy italian sandwich-panini. I also love food and may even blog about recipes along with the rest.

I will try to "panini" this blog into my daily life may get in the way. Love hear from you.......comments are welcome!!!!


  1. Yay Diane!!! I'm jealous of the canning! Will have to come invite myself to Rochester for the next adventure.

  2. yes i tried to write on the first day but couldn't for some reason...very "cool beans" as someone I know would say!
