Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Best Christmas Present!!

I wanted you all to see the beautiful Christmas present that my husband Bill made for me in his "Basement Getaway" /or workshop. (I equate his get away with the AYYYHHHHH that I feel when I sit down at my Bernina to sew). I had heard the buzz and smelled varnish for some time after Thanksgiving and I knew something important and secret was going on down there. Knew enough not to open that door or look in the window. I knew enough not to ask what that sheepish yet excited look was on Bill's face..............................and it was worth it! I love you Honey!!!!

Tree's down :(

I'm back from Geneva, a short reprieve......... so appreciated and cherished!!! I was fortunate enough to spend hours of quality time with Lisa's daughter Chrissy as well as with Nancy. You will be so excited to see the "show and tell"time I enjoyed. I had all of you in mind when I took the photos so here goes:

This is Nancy's Spider web Quilt-notice the firefly quilting.

To the left is Nancy's "Thirty's fabric quilt-hand quilted


Lisa's "Dress form" quilt-also hand quilted. I an blown away at how much these ladies have accomplished since my last visit. I have so much to be inspired by. There are two pieced but not yet quilted tops on my "To -Do " list and two quilts cut and ready to sew. I have started a knitted scarf but have not finished my cardigan sweater yet.........But the tree is down and I'm back to work on
Monday.............My regular schedule will need some creativity stay tuned!!